Beverley Bryant
[ February 21, 2024 ]

NHS trusts EPR transformation tales at #Rewired24

Is your organisation undergoing an EPR procurement or implementation? Are you trying to maximise EPR benefits? Join us at Rewired24 to discover how different NHS trusts have approached EPR...

Lab Room (1)
[ February 21, 2024 ]

Exhibitor blog: AI and the Evolution of Clinical Risk Safety Standards

AI-driven systems have the potential to significantly improve patient assessments, treatment pathways, and diagnosis accuracy. However, their integration into healthcare settings requires a new...

Copy of Blog (4)
[ February 15, 2024 ]

Insights for your cyber security strategy

Find out how the NHS is investing in secure networks and building recovery plans in the face of evolving cyber threats.  Running on day one of Rewired, the Cyber Security Stage will feature...

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[ February 15, 2024 ]

Five new Rewired24 sessions you don’t want to miss

With Rewired24 just four weeks away and 300+ speakers confirmed, we’re shining a light on five recently added sessions you won’t want to miss. DAY ONE   Building smarter hospitals to digitally...

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[ February 13, 2024 ]

Supporting colleagues observing Ramadan during Rewired24 

Ahead of Rewired24, programme committee member Misbah Mahmood provides venue information and advice for supporting attendees observing Ramadan at the show.   Rewired24, which runs 12-13 March,...

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[ February 13, 2024 ]

Explore patient empowerment in digital health at Rewired24

Come and hear how NHS clinical leaders, innovators, charities, and patients are making digitally-enabled patient-centric care a reality at Rewired24.  The Patient Engagement Stage features...

Innovation Stage Blog
[ February 12, 2024 ]

Join leading digital health innovators at Rewired24

At the heart of the packed Rewired24 conference programme is the Innovation Stage, featuring uber-talented entrepreneurs and innovators sharing their journeys and exploring mechanisms to support...

Copy of Blog (3)
[ February 7, 2024 ]

Health CEOs focus on digital equity and inclusion

The rise of digital health services and apps offers huge potential but creates huge challenges in ensuring equity and access for all members of society.    Equity and access in digital health will...

Copy of Blog (2)
[ February 5, 2024 ]

Digital Health Rewired 2024 full programme published

The packed programme for Rewired 2024 has been published by Digital Health, showcasing the very best in digital health from across the NHS and beyond.  The over-arching theme, explored across...