Rewired 2022 5 Speakers Story
[ March 7, 2022 ]

How will ICSs use data and digital to tackle health inequalities and NHS recovery?

Join us on day two of Rewired for a dedicated panel session exploring how ICSs will use data and digital enablers to reduce health inequalities and support NHS recovery. Taking place at 11am on...

Helen Thomas feature (7)
[ March 3, 2022 ]

Final line-up of Rewired 2022 keynotes confirmed

Keynote sessions offering fresh perspectives on digital health, from the UK Defence Medical Services to the European view on connected health have been added to Rewired. Eileen Jessop, CDIO for...

Rewired 2022 Apollo Header
[ February 16, 2022 ]

CEOs of Guys and St Thomas’ and Kings launch Apollo at Rewired

Dr Ian Abbs, CEO of Guys and St Thomas’ NHS FT and Professor Clive Kay, CEO of Kings College Hospital NHS Trust are the clinicians turned CEOs leading two of the busiest teaching hospitals in...

[ February 11, 2022 ]

Pitchfest finalists revealed ahead of showdown at Rewired 2022

The 16 finalists in this year’s Rewired Pitchfest start-up competition have been revealed ahead of Rewired 2022, which takes place in London next month.  The annual competition of UK and...

Matthew Taylor, NHS Confederation
[ January 27, 2022 ]

NHS Confederation CEO added to Rewired 2022 programme

Matthew Taylor, CEO of NHS Confederation has just been added as a morning keynote for day two of Digital Health Rewired 2022. Speaking on the new National Policy and Keynotes Stage on 16 March,...

Tom Loosemore, Public Digital
[ January 21, 2022 ]

Digital for Boards with Tom Loosemore

Tom Loosemore, author, speaker and digital transformation guru will open the Digital for Boards panel session, delivered in partnership with NHS Providers, at Rewired 2022. Chaired by NHS...

John Parry
[ January 14, 2022 ]

Reflections, Rewired, and digital health in a post-pandemic NHS

With less than eight weeks until Rewired 2022, Dr John Parry, Clinical Director for TPP, the event’s joint headline sponsor, is in the hotseat for an exclusive Q&A John, you’ve worked in...

Rewired_2022_-_Programme_Live v2
[ January 13, 2022 ]

Digital Health Rewired 2022 conference programme published

The conference programme for Digital Health Rewired 2022 has been published, with an exciting and diverse range of speakers who will explore the future of digital health and care. Two years into...

Tim Ferris mailer (1)
[ January 11, 2022 ]

Day two keynote announced: Dr Tim Ferris, NHS England/Improvement

Dr Tim Ferris, director of transformation for the new look NHS England and Improvement will be the day two keynote for Digital Health Rewired 2022. Dr Ferris, who has lead responsibility on...