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Digital trailblazers explore future direction for clinical software at Rewired

The clinical software track at Rewired will be focussed on the latest developments, open platforms, large-scale implementations and benefits realisation.


Clinical software is at the heart of most digital transformation projects and is why there is a whole dedicated track to it at Digital Health Rewired 2020.

The clinical software track will be focussed on the latest developments, open platforms, large-scale implementations and benefits realisation.

On 4 March at Olympia, hear from digital trailblazers on the challenges of developing and deploying affordable, interoperable next generation software that enables safer patient care.

This includes the likes of Ricky McKennon, CIO at South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation trust, who will be exploring the development of a modular open platform mental health electronic patient record (EPR).

The conference sponsor of the clinical software track is IMS Maxims, who are also the sponsors for the Rewired Leadership Summit, a one-day conference on 3 March dedicated to those leading on digital health across the NHS.

Mark Hill, Business Development Manager at IMS Maxims, said: “Our sponsorship of the Leadership Summit and the Clinical Software workstream demonstrates our commitment to an event that influences the future of health IT.

“The quality of speakers attracts influential and motivated delegates, who see what is happening at the cutting edge of digital health.”

“By working in partnership, we have helped the GDE fast follower create a firm foundation on which it has built its digital capability and maturity. Now the integrated provider is delivering ever more compelling clinical benefits across acute and community care settings.”

The speaker sponsor for the track is Cambio Healthcare Systems. Adrian Stevens, Cambio’s CEO for UK and Ireland said it was the “quality of delegates and speakers” that attracted them Rewired as this “enables strong networking opportunities in the right environment”.

He added: “Compared to other events, we have found Rewired to be an exceptionally well organised trade show adopting a two day event with a one day trade show and the best networking opportunity available in the digital health space.

“This makes it very attractive in terms of affordability and resources. The event is always underpinned by a very strong delegate lecture programme.”

The clinical software track is part of a packed conference programme containing over 80 of the most original, and engaging innovators and leaders from across the NHS and digital health sectors.

Register your place at Rewired 2020 today. 

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